Viva Chavez!

Pat woke up this morning with a surprise day off for Cesar Chavez day! We decided to spend the whole day at the house and try and get some work done. 
I put a countdown to moving day widget on my phone screen and it's just stressing me out more than it is exciting me. 17 days left and there is still SO much to do.
We got a ton done today though!
I started in the master bedroom putting in insulation and hanging drywall. That stuff is dang heavy!
But look what I did! I'm pretty proud of myself. I like learning from Pat. He's a good teacher and very patient with me; like when I sanded the drywall mud into his freshly siliconed sink. Sorry babe. 😬
Pat worked on getting some ducts put together. We are one length short though, so we have to wait to put it in the ceiling until we can get another one fabricated. 
He is so awesome. He has never put in an HVAC system, but he has done so much research and figured it out! He has an incredible eye for detail and does every project right the first time. 
After taking a 10 minute nap I was ready to start on the next project. I'm so not used to this much manual labor, but Pat says he is proud of how hard I'm working, so I guess I'm doing OK.
Pat took out the two wall heaters and now we get to patch the drywall! The smaller rectangle is where the old swamp cooler switch used to be. Taking all these random boxes out of the walls makes it so much less claustrophobic and cluttered. I'm loving it!
While cutting down the edges of the hole openings we found out that the paint in the hallway isn't actually bonded to the wall. Yay!
Pat, Joshua and I peeled off the paint like it was tree bark. It was actually pretty fun.
Here it is with the first layer of mud on. I'm getting so good at drywall mud. 🤣

Pat installed some more electrical boxes as well. 
I have been so impressed with how well the kids play together and get along while we are working. They all love going to the house and just hang out together. I wish they'd do that all the time. 🙈


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