Baby steps!
If you aren't in construction (like me and most people) you have no idea how immense the internals of a home are. Between wiring, vents, ducting, air flow in the attic and so much more that my husband has told me about and I cannot for the life of me remember the names of, modern homes are more complicated than a MySpace relationship. Work has been slow going because of illness and injury. Pat and I both working working opposite full time hours and just pure exhaustion. I've heard that a new home can be taxing on a relationship and for us there is just not enough time for connection with everything going on. We will pull through it like we have pulled through everything else. It's just HARD right now! I miss those relaxing quiet moments. We decided that because all of the walls have lead paint underneath approximately 500 layers of latex paint, we are going to replace most if not all of the drywall in the house. We are always adding more work for our...